US President Biden signs Resolve Tibet act


US President Joe Biden on Friday signed "The Resolve Tibet Act", which states that China's ongoing occupation of Tibet must be resolved in accordance with international laws peacefully.

Washington DC [US], July 13 (HBTV): US President Joe Biden on Friday signed "The Resolve Tibet Act", which states that China's ongoing occupation of Tibet must be resolved in accordance with international laws peacefully and not through repression or confrontation. 

Biden's government called on China to resume direct dialogue, without preconditions, with the Dalai Lama, or his representatives, to seek a settlement that resolves differences and leads to a negotiated agreement on Tibet.  

The Act, Promoting a Resolution to the Tibet-China Dispute Act, also called the Resolve Tibet Act, states that it is American policy that the Tibet issue must be resolved in accordance with international law by peaceful means, through dialogue without preconditions. 

"The Resolve Tibet Act cuts to the heart of China's brutal treatment of the Tibetan people," said Tencho Gyatso, President of the International Campaign for Tibet.  

The bill sees Tibetans as people with their own religious, cultural, linguistic and historical identity. It recognises that China is suppressing the Tibetans' way of life. 

(ANI) This is a syndicated news feed. HBTV has edited it for clarity.