Myanmar crisis spurs concerns over rising criminal syndicates, human trafficking: Indian envoy



With an array of rebel militias increasing their offensive against the Military Junta in Myanmar, parts of the country are now said to be completely out of the central government's control.

Bangkok [Thailand], July 5 (HBTV): The volatile situation in Myanmar has had a roll-on effect on its neighbors, including the countries of India and Thailand. With an array of rebel militias increasing their offensive against the Military Junta in Myanmar, parts of the country are now said to be completely out of the central government's control. 

Two parts of Myanmar have been of particular concern to the world. One is the region of Myawaddy, which in April this year briefly fell to rebels and has since been largely in conflict. This has meant that international criminal gangs, with support from some groups, have used the area to flourish a criminal enterprise involved in cyber fraud, phishing, and illegal gambling and betting. 

In an interview with ANI, Indian Ambassador to Thailand, Nagesh Singh, expressed grave concerns over the escalating crisis in Myanmar's troubled regions, where ethnic armed groups have seized control, fostering a breeding ground for criminal syndicates and illicit activities.

Singh highlighted the severe challenges posed by the rampant operations of the Chinese mafia, orchestrating online scams, illegal casinos, and human trafficking networks across Myanmar's lawless territories. 

"Large parts of Myanmar are being controlled by various armed groups. There is no central authority with whom you can deal," he stated. 

The ambassador underscored the tragic plight of individuals from diverse countries, including India, Brazil, Africa, Malaysia, Taiwan, and the Philippines, who fall prey to false promises of lucrative jobs, only to be coerced into modern-day slavery upon crossing the border.              

"They come here, and once they go across the border, they are held hostage," Singh lamented. 

For the Indian Embassy in Thailand, the recent spurt in criminal activities is a huge problem. Thailand offers visa-free travel for Indian nationals, and often gullible youth are recruited by shady agents on the pretext of a job in the IT sector. On arrival, they are then often taken across the border to Myanmar to work for these syndicates. 

(ANI) This is a syndicated news feed. HBTV has edited it for clarity