Mizoram Chief Minister Lalduhoma on Tuesday officially launched the 'Empowering Mizoram Sports' (EMS) program under the Mizoram Bana Kaih Scheme 2024 at the Directorate of Eco...
Train to Kashmir will start very soon: Ashwini Vaishnaw
CM Nayab Singh Saini congratulates Haryana athletes selected for Khel Ratna, Arjuna Award
CM Yogi inaugurates mini sports complex in Gorakhpur
The Aam Aadmi Party government honoured five players and a coach from Delhi who brought glory to India in the 2024 Olympics and Paralympics by giving them a fixed amount under...
A foot in futsal: Indian women ready for crack at history
In a heartwarming display of team spirit and celebration, Dabang Delhi K.C. dedicated their recent victory over the Haryana Steelers to their captain and star player Naveen Ku...