West Tripura administration launches special campaign to reduce backlog of land-related cases



In an effort to reduce the number of unresolved land-related legal battles, the district magistrate office of West Tripura initiated a special campaign to address these cases on weekends and holidays.

Agartala (Tripura) [India], June 28 (HBTV): In an effort to reduce the number of unresolved land-related legal battles, the district magistrate office of West Tripura initiated a special campaign to address these cases on weekends and holidays. 

This initiative was designed to accommodate individuals who are unable to attend court sessions during regular working hours due to employment or other commitments. 

Land-related legal battles have long been a burden on the lives of common citizens in the region.

From 2012 to 2014, a substantial number of revenue cases have remained unresolved in the District Magistrate's court, specifically under Section 95-11-3. An estimated 3,000 cases are still pending, though this number was as high as 4,400 just six months ago. 

The initiative has received widespread acclaim from the public, with many appreciating the administration's efforts to make the legal process more convenient and efficient. The magistrate’s office hopes to increase this disposal rate in the coming weeks by continuing to hold court sessions on weekends and holidays.

Addressing the issue, the district magistrate and collector of West Tripura, Vishaal Kumar said, "Our office and I recognised the need to accelerate the resolution of these pending cases. By utilising weekends and holidays, we aimed to provide more accessible opportunities for people to participate in their land record cases". 

During the previous week alone, the authorities managed to dispose of around 80 cases,’ said Kumar. 

The magistrate urged the public to participate more actively in these land record cases. 

"We urge common citizens to engage more with the process. The administration is committed to providing whatever relief and support we can offer." 

As efforts to clear the backlog continue, the DM's office remains optimistic about significantly reducing the number of pending revenue cases and providing timely resolutions to land-related disputes. 

(ANI) This is a syndicated news feed. HBTV has edited it for clarity