Imphal, Manipur, January 9 (HBTV): Manipur Chief Minister N Biren Singh on Thursday said that the ongoing crisis, which began on May 3, 2023, may have had many agenda but the immediate cause of the crisis was a rally that was organized against the demand for the Schedule Tribe status by the Meitei community.
‘Against that demand, a rally was staged on May 3, 2023 and on that day itself, innocent people were attacked and property burned. There may be many agendas, but the immediate cause was the rally that was staged against the ST demand by Meitei community’, said Biren Singh.
The chief minister gave the statement while addressing a program marking the 191st death anniversary of Maharaj Gambhir Singh, observed at the Samadhi of the Maharaj at Langthabal, Imphal West district.
"We are alive today because of the sacrifices of our forefathers and to let the people know and remember the sacrifices made by our forefathers", said Biren Singh.
Biren Singh said during the sidelines of the event that a museum will be built.