Assam floods: 6,000 people affected in Nagaon, 35 villages and 1,089 hectares of crop area submerged



Floods in Assam have severely affected nearly 6,000 people in Nagaon district. The floods have submerged 35 villages in the district under Kampur and Raha revenue circles.

Nagaon (Assam) [India], June 20 (HBTV): Floods in Assam have severely affected nearly 6,000 people in Nagaon district. The floods have submerged 35 villages in the district under Kampur and Raha revenue circles besides submerging approximately 1,089 hectares of crop areas. 

A considerable number of people of the Changchaki area in the Kampur revenue circle have been forced to leave their homes after waters entered their homes.

The Changchaki-Kawaimari connecting road has been submerged and several portions of the embankment have been swept away.  

According to the Central Water Commission, the water level of the Kopili River is flowing above the danger level mark.  

Dipak Bora, a resident of Changchaki village told ANI that people have faced massive problems due to flood. 

"This is the second flood this year. We don't know what we will do. The flood waters washed away portions of the embankment a few places. We are facing massive problems. The flood waters entered into the houses of many villagers. The flood waters have also submerged our croplands; destroyed paddy crops and vegetables. Many people are now facing a food crisis. There is also a drinking water problem," Dipak Bora said.

Sushila Bora, a flood victim said that her family members are now taking shelter in other people's houses after the flood water entered her home.

"All household goods are now under water. There is about five feet of deep water inside our home. Two floods come within 17 days. We are facing lots of problems and staying in other people's houses," Sushila Bora said.  

On the other hand, Moni Medhi said that the flood waters entered her house and she is very much worried about the current situation. 

"This flood has destroyed our household goods, crops etc. We are facing massive problems with food, and drinking water. The government has tried to solve the problem, but we don't see any progress. We are poor people, and our main income source is farming, but the flood waters destroyed all. We don't know about our future, how we will live," Moni Medhi said. 

Villagers of Changchaki, Kampur area are facing similar problems.

According to the flood report of the Assam State Disaster Management Authority, nearly 3,00,000 people in 19 districts have been affected. 

More than 2,00,043 people have been affected in Karimganj district alone. 

Approximately 979 villages in 48 revenue circles in 19 districts in the state have been affected by the floods. 

The flood waters have submerged 3326.31 hectares of crop area in the flood-hit districts.   

(ANI) This is a syndicated news feed. HBTV has edited it for clarity.