Two Indians recruited by Russian Army killed in ongoing Ukraine conflict: MEA



Two Indian nationals who were allegedly recruited by the Russian Army have been killed in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.

New Delhi [India], June 12 (HBTV): Two Indian nationals who were allegedly recruited by the Russian Army have been killed in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.  

The Indian Embassy in Moscow is pressing for the mortal remains of the deceased Indians to be repatriated to the country as soon as possible.  

"We offer our deepest condolences to the families of the deceased. Our Embassy in Moscow has pressed the Russian authorities, including the Ministry of Defence, for early repatriation of mortal remains," the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) said in an official release on Tuesday. 

Per the release, MEA has also taken up the matter of early release and return of all Indian nationals who are with the Russian-army.  

‘The Ministry of External Affairs and the Indian Embassy in Moscow have strongly taken up the matter with the Russian ambassador in New Delhi and with Russian authorities in Moscow, respectively, for early release and return of all Indian nationals who are with the Russian Army,’ the MEA said. 

The MEA has also urged Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia.  

"India has also demanded that there be a verified stop to any further recruitment of our nationals by the Russian Army. Such activities would not be in consonance with our partnership," it said.  

"We also urge Indian nationals to exercise caution while seeking employment opportunities in Russia," the MEA added. 

(ANI) This is a syndicated news feed. HBTV has edited it for clarity