Chandigarh (India), January 18 (HBVT): Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Friday directed officials to clean all the ponds in the state to ensure their water could be used for animal consumption or irrigation. Saini, while chairing a review meeting of the Haryana Pond and Waste Water Management Authority, emphasized the need for cooperation from panchayats and villagers to prevent garbage and dirty water from being discharged into ponds.
Senior officials from various departments, including Development and Panchayats, Irrigation, Forest, Urban Local Bodies, Fisheries, Public Works Department, and the National Highway Authority of India, attended the meeting.
Expressing concern over the declining groundwater levels, Saini set a target to recharge groundwater in 500 villages during the first phase, with the directive to complete the work within a stipulated timeframe.
Highlighting the national significance of the issue, the chief minister noted that Prime Minister Narendra Modi has also expressed concern over groundwater depletion, describing it as one of the country's biggest challenges. Saini urged citizens to join efforts to combat water pollution and address the urgent need for groundwater conservation.
(Inputs from Times of India)